Psalm 94:16
Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against the workers of iniquity?
Cross References
Numbers 10:35
Whenever the ark set out, Moses would say, "Rise up, O LORD! May Your enemies be scattered; may those who hate You flee before You."

Psalm 17:13
Arise, O LORD, confront them! Bring them to their knees; deliver me from the wicked by Your sword,

Psalm 59:2
Deliver me from workers of iniquity, and save me from men of bloodshed.

Isaiah 28:21
For the LORD will rise up as at Mount Perazim. He will rouse Himself as in the Valley of Gibeon, to do His work, His strange work, and to perform His task, His disturbing task.

Isaiah 33:10
"Now I will arise," says the LORD. "Now I will lift Myself up. Now I will be exalted.

Treasury of Scripture
Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?

rise up

Exodus 32:26-29
Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD'S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him…

Numbers 25:6-13
And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation…

Judges 5:23
Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the LORD, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the LORD, to the help of the LORD against the mighty.

stand up

Nehemiah 5:7
Then I consulted with myself, and I rebuked the nobles, and the rulers, and said unto them, Ye exact usury, every one of his brother. And I set a great assembly against them.

Jeremiah 26:16-19
Then said the princes and all the people unto the priests and to the prophets; This man is not worthy to die: for he hath spoken to us in the name of the LORD our God…

John 7:50,51
Nicodemus saith unto them, (he that came to Jesus by night, being one of them,) …


Psalm 94:15
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