2 Chronicles

1. The Reign of Solomon  ( 1:1⁠–⁠9:31 )

a. Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom  ( 1:1⁠–⁠13 )

b. Solomon’s Riches  ( 1:14⁠–⁠17 )

c. The Temple  ( 2:1⁠–⁠7:22 )

i. Preparations for the Temple  ( 2:1⁠–⁠18 )

ii. Construction of the Temple  ( 3:1⁠–⁠5:1 )

1. Construction Begins  ( 3:1⁠–⁠4 )

2. The Temple’s Interior  ( 3:5⁠–⁠9 )

3. The Cherubim  ( 3:10⁠–⁠13 )

4. The Veil and Pillars  ( 3:14⁠–⁠17 )

5. The Bronze Altar and Molten Sea  ( 4:1⁠–⁠5 )

6. The Ten Basins, Lampstands, and Tables  ( 4:6⁠–⁠8 )

7. The Courts  ( 4:9⁠–⁠10 )

8. Completion of the Bronze Works  ( 4:11⁠–⁠18 )

9. Completion of the Gold Furnishings  ( 4:19⁠–⁠5:1 )

iii. Dedication of the Temple  ( 5:2⁠–⁠7:22 )

1. The Ark Enters the Temple  ( 5:1⁠–⁠14 )

2. Solomon Blesses the LORD  ( 6:1⁠–⁠11 )

3. Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication  ( 6:12⁠–⁠42 )

4. The LORD’s Presence Fills the Temple  ( 7:1⁠–⁠3 )

5. Sacrifices of Dedication  ( 7:4⁠–⁠10 )

6. The LORD’s Response to Solomon  ( 7:11⁠–⁠22 )

d. Solomon's Additional Achievements  ( 8:1⁠–⁠18 )

e. Solomon's Reputation  ( 9:1⁠–⁠28 )

i. The Queen of Sheba  ( 9:1⁠–⁠12 )

ii. Solomon’s Wealth and Splendor  ( 9:13⁠–⁠28 )

f. The Death of Solomon  ( 9:29⁠–⁠31 )

i. Solomon’s Reign  ( 9:29⁠–⁠30 )

ii. Rehoboam Succeeds Solomon  ( 9:31 )

2. The Rest of the Kings of Judah  ( 10:1⁠–⁠36:23 )

a. Rehoboam  ( 10:1⁠–⁠12:16 )

i. Rebellion against Rehoboam  ( 10:1⁠–⁠15 )

ii. The Kingdom Divided  ( 10:16⁠–⁠12:12 )

iii. Rehoboam’s Reign and Death  ( 12:13⁠–⁠16 )

1. Rehoboam the Evil King  ( 12:13⁠–⁠15 )

2. Abijah Succeeded Rehoboam  ( 12:16 )

b. Abijah  ( 13:1⁠–⁠22 )

i. Abijah Reigns in Judah  ( 13:1⁠–⁠3 )

ii. Civil War against Jeroboam  ( 13:4⁠–⁠22 )

c. Asa  ( 14:1⁠–⁠16:14 )

i. Good King Asa  ( 14:1⁠–⁠15 )

ii. Asa’s Reforms  ( 15:1⁠–⁠19 )

iii. War between Asa and Baasha  ( 16:1⁠–⁠10 )

iv. Asa’s Death and Burial  ( 16:11⁠–⁠14 )

d. Jehoshaphat  ( 17:1⁠–⁠20:37 )

i. Good King Jehoshaphat  ( 17:1⁠–⁠19 )

ii. Jehoshaphat of Judah and Ahab of Israel  ( 18:1⁠–⁠34 )

1. Jehoshaphat Allies with Ahab  ( 18:1⁠–⁠11 )

2. Micaiah Prophesies against Ahab  ( 18:12⁠–⁠27 )

3. Ahab’s Defeat and Death  ( 18:28⁠–⁠34 )

iii. Jehoshaphat’s Reforms  ( 19:1⁠–⁠11 )

iv. War against Jehoshaphat  ( 20:1⁠–⁠37 )

e. Jehoram  ( 21:1⁠–⁠20 )

i. Jehoram Succeeds Jehoshaphat  ( 21:1⁠–⁠3 )

ii. Jehoram the Evil King  ( 21:4⁠–⁠15 )

iii. Jehoram’s Disease and Death  ( 21:16⁠–⁠20 )

f. Ahaziah  ( 22:1⁠–⁠9 )

i. Ahaziah the Evil King  ( 22:1⁠–⁠7 )

ii. Jehu Kills Ahaziah  ( 22:8⁠–⁠9 )

g. Joash  ( 22:10⁠–⁠24:27 )

i. Joash Hidden from Athaliah  ( 22:10⁠–⁠12 )

ii. Joash Anointed King of Judah  ( 23:1⁠–⁠11 )

iii. The Death of Athaliah  ( 23:12⁠–⁠15 )

iv. Jehoiada the Priest Restores the Worship of the LORD  ( 23:16⁠–⁠21 )

v. Joash Repairs the Temple  ( 24:1⁠–⁠14 )

vi. Jehoiada the Priest’s Death and Burial  ( 24:15⁠–⁠16 )

vii. The Wickedness of Joash  ( 24:17⁠–⁠22 )

viii. The Death of Joash  ( 24:23⁠–⁠27 )

h. Amaziah  ( 25:1⁠–⁠28 )

i. Good King Amaziah  ( 25:1⁠–⁠4 )

ii. Amaziah’s Victories  ( 25:5⁠–⁠13 )

iii. Amaziah Rebuked for Idolatry  ( 25:14⁠–⁠16 )

iv. Jehoash of Israel Defeats Amaziah  ( 25:17⁠–⁠24 )

v. The Death of Amaziah  ( 25:25⁠–⁠28 )

i. Uzziah  ( 26:1⁠–⁠23 )

i. Good King Uzziah  ( 26:1⁠–⁠5 )

ii. Uzziah’s Victories  ( 26:6⁠–⁠15 )

iii. Uzziah’s Pride, Punishment, and Death  ( 26:16⁠–⁠23 )

j. Jotham  ( 27:1⁠–⁠9 )

k. Ahaz  ( 28:1⁠–⁠27 )

i. Ahaz the Evil King  ( 28:1⁠–⁠4 )

ii. Aram Defeats Ahaz  ( 28:5⁠–⁠15 )

iii. The Idolatry of Ahaz  ( 28:16⁠–⁠27 )

l. Hezekiah  ( 29:1⁠–⁠32:33 )

i. The Temple  ( 29:1⁠–⁠36 )

1. Hezekiah Cleanses the Temple  ( 29:1⁠–⁠19 )

2. Hezekiah Restores the Temple  ( 29:20⁠–⁠36 )

ii. The Passover  ( 30:1⁠–⁠27 )

1. Hezekiah Proclaims a Passover in Israel and Judah  ( 30:1⁠–⁠12 )

2. Hezekiah Celebrates the Passover  ( 30:13⁠–⁠27 )

iii. The People Return to the LORD  ( 31:1⁠–⁠21 )

1. The Destruction of Idols  ( 31:1⁠–⁠2 )

2. Contributions for Worship  ( 31:3⁠–⁠10 )

3. Hezekiah Organizes the Priests  ( 31:11⁠–⁠21 )

iv. Assyria Invades Judah  ( 32:1⁠–⁠23 )

1. Sennacherib King of Assyria Threatens Jerusalem  ( 32:1⁠–⁠19 )

2. Jerusalem Delivered from the Assyrians  ( 32:20⁠–⁠23 )

v. Hezekiah’s Illness and Recovery  ( 32:24⁠–⁠31 )

vi. Hezekiah’s Death  ( 32:32⁠–⁠33 )

m. Manasseh  ( 33:1⁠–⁠20 )

i. Manasseh the Evil King  ( 33:1⁠–⁠9 )

ii. Manasseh’s Repentance and Restoration  ( 33:10⁠–⁠20 )

n. Amon  ( 33:21⁠–⁠25 )

o. Josiah  ( 34:1⁠–⁠35:26 )

i. Good King Josiah  ( 34:1⁠–⁠2 )

ii. Josiah Destroys Idolatry  ( 34:3⁠–⁠7 )

iii. Josiah Repairs the Temple  ( 34:8⁠–⁠28 )

iv. Josiah Renews the Covenant  ( 34:29⁠–⁠33 )

v. Josiah Restores the Passover  ( 35:1⁠–⁠19 )

vi. The Death of Josiah  ( 35:20⁠–⁠26 )

p. The Path to Exile  ( 36:1⁠–⁠14 )

i. Jehoahaz Succeeds Josiah  ( 36:1⁠–⁠4 )

ii. Jehoiakim Reigns in Judah  ( 36:5⁠–⁠8 )

iii. Jehoiachin Reigns in Judah  ( 36:9⁠–⁠10 )

iv. Zedekiah Reigns in Judah  ( 36:11⁠–⁠14 )

q. The Babylonian Exile  ( 36:15⁠–⁠21 )

r. The Promise of Restoration  ( 36:22⁠–⁠23 )


1 Chronicles
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