5358. naqam
Lexical Summary
naqam: to avenge, take vengeance
Original Word: נָקַם
Transliteration: naqam
Phonetic Spelling: (naw-kam')
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to avenge, take vengeance
Meaning: to grudge, avenge, punish
Strong's Concordance
avenger, self, punish, revenge self, surely, take vengeance

A primitive root; to grudge, i.e. Avenge or punish -- avenge(-r, self), punish, revenge (self), X surely, take vengeance.


H5358. naqam

[נָקַם‎] verb avenge, take vengeance (Ecclus 46:1e אויב נקמי להנקם‎ (Niph`al + accusative of congnate meaning with verb); נקם‎, noun also Ecclesiastes 12:6 (compare Deuteronomy 32:41), Ecclesiasticus 39:30; Ecclesiasticus 48:7; Late Hebrew נָקַם‎ especially in derivatives; Aramaic נְקַם‎ (rare), in derived species; Arabic take vengeance ( upon), Lane3037; compare Ethiopic Di458 vindictae studium, ultionis cupido; Assyrian i‡‡imu, vengeance, requital, is possibly from √ אקם‎ JägerBAS ii. 279); —

Qal Perfect3masculine singular suffix נְקָמֵ֫נִי1 Samuel 24:13; Imperfect יִקּוֺםDeuteronomy 32:43; יִקֹּםJoshua 10:13; 2masculine singular תִּקֹּםLeviticus 19:18; Infinitive absolute נָקֹםExodus 21:20; construct נְקֹםEzekiel 24:8; 25:12; Imperative נְקֹםNumbers 31:2; Participle נִקֵםNahum 1:2-3t.; feminine נֹקֶ֫מֶתLeviticus 26:25; —

1 avenge, take vengeance:

a. God subject יִקּוֺם עֲבָדָיו דַּםDeuteronomy 32:43 the blood of his servants he avengeth (against those who slew them) (+ 1 Kings 2:5 ᵐ5L Klo); ׳נ‎ absolute Nahum 1:2 (twice in verse) with לְ‎ (against Nineveh) 1:2; ׳נ נָקָם‎ (against Jerusalem) Ezekiel 24:8; עַלעֲֿלִילוֺהָםon their doings (his people's) Psalm 99:8; ׳נ בְּרִית נְקַםLeviticus 26:25 (H) the vengeance of the covenant (against those who break it); נְקָמַנִי1 Samuel 24:13, with מִן‎ of person from whom vengeance is taken (compare Jeremiah 20:10).

b. Israel and its leaders against their enemies, ׳נ נקמה‎ with מִן‎ against whom Numbers 31:2 (P); with accusative אֹיְבָיו יִקֹּםJoshua 10:13 (poem).

c. Edom against Judah ׳נ לְ נקםEzekiel 25:12.

d. in administration of justice against murder Exodus 21:20 (E).

2 entertain revengeful feelings (opposed to אהב‎) against neighbour forbidden Leviticus 19:18 (H).

Niph`al Perfect1singular נִקַּ֫מְתִּיJudges 15:7; 1 Samuel 14:24; 3masculine plural נִקְּמוּEzekiel 25:12; imperfect יִנָּקֵםExodus 21:20; 1singular אִנָָּֽקְמָהJudges 16:28; Isaiah 1:24; 3masculine plural יִנָָּֽקְמוּEzekiel 25:15; Infinitive הִנָּקֵםJeremiah 46:10 2t.; Imperative הִנָּ֫קֶם15:15; plural הִנָָּֽקְמוּ50:15: —

1 avenge oneself,

a. ׳י‎ subject with מִן‎ of adversary Isaiah 1:24; Jeremiah 46:10; with מִן‎ advers., לְ‎ for whom 15:15; with בְּ‎ adversary 50:15.

b. of Israel and champions with מִןJudges 16:28; 1 Samuel 14:24; Esther 8:13; with בְּJudges 15:7; 1 Samuel 18:25.

c. of enemies against Israel ׳נ נקםEzekiel 25:15; with בְּ25:12.

2 suffer vengeance (of law against murder) Exodus 21:20 (E).

Piel Perfect1singular נִקַּ֫מְתִּי2 Kings 9:7; Jeremiah 51:36; — avenge, ׳י‎ subject מיד דָּמִים2 Kings 9:7 blood at hands of; ׳נ נִקְמָתֵךָJeremiah 51:36 take vengeance for thee.

Hoph`al Imperfect יֻקַּםGenesis 4:24; Exodus 21:21, יֻקָּ֑םGenesis 4:15 be avenged, vengeance be taken (for blood).

Hithpa`el Imperfect תִּתְנַקֵּםJeremiah 5:9, 29; 9:8; Participle מִתְנַקֵּםPsalm 8:3; 44:17; avenge oneself, ׳י‎ subject בְּ ׳נַפְשִׁי תִתְנַקֵּם לֹאJeremiah 5:9, 29; 9:8; of Israel's enemies וּמִתְנַקֵּם אוֺיֵבPsalm 8:3; 44:17.


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