559. amar
Lexical Summary
amar: to utter, say
Original Word: אָמַר
Transliteration: amar
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-mar')
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to utter, say
Meaning: to utter, say
Strong's Concordance
answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge,

A primitive root; to say (used with great latitude) -- answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.


H559. amar

אָמַר5287 verb utter, say (MI, Phoenician אמר‎, Aramaic אֲמַר‎, Ethiopic I. 2 shew, declare, Arabic command; perhaps √ אמר‎ originally = be or make prominent, hence Hithpa`el below, אָמִיר‎; Sabean אמרlofty, epithet of king JHMordtmZMG 1876, 37; compare DlPr 28 who thinks original meaning hell, sichtbar sein, whence Assyrian amâru, see, & shew, declare, say) — Qal Perfect ׳אGenesis 3:1 +, etc.; Imperfect יאֹמַר31:8 +; וַיּאֹ֫מֶר1:3 +; וַיּאֹמַ֑ר14:19 +; in Job always וַיּאֹ֑מַרJob 3:2 +; 3 feminine singular תּאֹמַרGenesis 21:12 +; תּאֹמֵר֑Proverbs 1:21; 1singular אֹמַרGenesis 22:2 +; אוֺמְרָהPsalm 42:10; וָאֹמַרGenesis 20:13 +; וָאוֺמַרNehemiah 2:7, 17, 20; 3masculine plural יאֹמְדוּExodus 4:1 + etc.; suffix יֹמְרוּךָPsalm 139:20; 2masculine plural תֹּמְדוּ2 Samuel 19:14 ( compare Köi. p. 385); Imperative אֱמֹר (אֱמָרֿ)Genesis 45:17 +, etc.; Infinitive absolute אָמוֺרExodus 21:5 +; construct אֱמֹרEzekiel 25:8 +; (הַ)אֲמֹרJob 34:18 but read ᵑ9 ᵐ5 הָאֹמֵר‎ Di, or better הֶאָמֹרInfinitive absolute with ה‎ interrogative compare Ew :§ 328 d; suffix אָמְרִיJoshua 6:10 +; אֲמָרְכֶםJeremiah 23:38; אֱמָרְכֶםMalachi 1:7 +; לֵאמֹרGenesis 1:22 +, etc.; Participle active אֹמֵר32:10 +, etc.; passive הֶאָמוּרMicah 2:7, but this grammatically indefensible, read הֶאָמוֺר‎, Infinitive absolute with ה‎ interrogative, see DrExpositor, April, 1887, 263.1Say (subject God Genesis 3:1 +? 32:5, serpent 3:1, ass Numbers 22:28, horse הֶאָח יאֹמַרJob 39:25 etc.; inanimate things, personified 28:14 compare 28:22 etc.; so in allegory or fable Judges 9:8; 2 Kings 14:9 etc.; especially in narration, וַיּאֹמֶר‎ etc., Genesis 4:6 + very often): mostly followed by thing said, either substantive Jeremiah 14:17 (c. clause app.) Deuteronomy 27:16f.; Judges 12:6; pronoun Genesis 44:16; 2 Kings 20:14 +; or (usually) clause Genesis 1:3; 3:1; 37:20 + often (oratio recta [direct speech]); with adverb thus, so 32:5; Numbers 20:14; 1 Kings 20:3, 5 + often; especially י אָמַר ׳כֹּהExodus 5:1; 7:17; 8:1; 8:20; 1 Chronicles 17:4 + often; the person addressed usually introduced by אֶלGenesis 3:1; 15:7; 22:7; Leviticus 21:1; 2 Samuel 3:7; 1 Kings 12:5, 23, or לְGenesis 3:13; 4:15; 1 Samuel 20:2; 2 Samuel 2:21; 1 Kings 14:2 + often; rarer combinations are, ׳א בְּאָזְנֵיIsaiah 49:20 (compare 5:9 & see דבר‎); ׳א לִפְנֵיEzekiel 28:9; ׳א לְעֵינֵיDeuteronomy 31:7; Joshua 10:12; Jeremiah 28:11; ׳א בְּJoel 2:17; Psalm 126:2, where בְּ‎ local; in all cases usually followed by direct object of words said, Exodus 19:25 being very singular; Genesis 4:8 the object-clause has probably fallen out, compare Vrss Di; = mention, name, designate 22:2-3, 43:27, 29; Exodus 32:13; Numbers 14:40; 1 Samuel 10:16; 16:3; 2 Samuel 6:22; Nehemiah 6:19; compare Psalm 139:20 לִמְזִמָּה יֹמְרוּךָspeak of thee for falsehood (but many, as Hup Pe Dy Che, read יַמְרוּךָ‎); = tell, declare, proclaim, (followed by direct object only) 40:11; Ezekiel 13:7; in reply to question = answer Exodus 12:27; Joshua 4:7; 1 Kings 9:9; Jeremiah 5:19; 22:9. The object spoken of may be referred to by אֶל2 Kings 19:32; Jeremiah 22:18; 27:19, or לְGenesis 20:13 לִֹי אִמְרִי‎ say of me, etc. Deuteronomy 33:9; Judges 9:54; Isaiah 5:20; Psalm 3:3; 71:10, very rarely by a simple accusative Isaiah 3:10 (where read probably for אַשְׁרֵי אִמְרוּ,‎), except after אֲשֶׁר‎ where the words used follow (compare אֲשֶׁר

4d) Genesis 3:17; Numbers 10:29; 14:31; Deuteronomy 28:68; Judges 7:4; 1 Samuel 9:17, 23b 1 Kings 8:29; Lamentations 4:20; compare Numbers 21:16; 2 Kings 17:12; 21:4, & (two extreme cases) Isaiah 8:12; Lamentations 2:15 (see DrSm i. 24, 5); ֶהאָמוּרMicah 2:7 read infinitive absolute with ה‎ interrogative הֶאָמוֺר‎ (see above) shall one say ? shall it be said ? After another verb of saying, introducing thing said: Deuteronomy 21:7; 25:9; 27:15; Song of Solomon 2:10 +, even after אמרGenesis 22:7; Leviticus 21:1; Jeremiah 34:2; Esther 7:5 +; especially infinitive לֵאמֹר‎, after דברGenesis 8:15, צוה2:16, ענה44:16, ברך1:22, נשׁבע24:7, נדר28:20, etc.; after אמר2 Samuel 3:18; 1 Kings 12:23; Ruth 4:4; 1 Chronicles 21:18 +; after שׁלח2 Chronicles 35:21, שׁוּבGenesis 32:7; compare also 28:6; Exodus 5:13; 9:5; 13:8; 17:4; Numbers 11:20; Deuteronomy 1:28; 13:7; Judges 8:15; 1 Samuel 23:2; 1 Kings 13:3; Jeremiah 32:3; 37:9 +; also when subject of לֵאמֹר‎ differs from that of pre-ceding clause Genesis 31:1; 38:13, 24 etc.; after שׁמעIsaiah 37:9 = 2 Kings 19:9.

2 Say in the heart (= think) ׳א בלבבDeuteronomy 8:17 compare 1 Kings 12:26; Psalm 10:6; 10:11; 10:13; 14:1; 35:25; Isaiah 14:13; 47:8, 10; 49:21; Ecclesiastes 2:1, 15; 3:17-18, ׳א לִלְבָבָםHosea 7:2; ׳א אֶללִֿבּוֺGenesis 8:21 said unto his heart (to himself), subject ׳י‎, compare 1 Samuel 27:1; נַפֲשִׁי אָֽמְרָהLamentations 3:24; thence ׳א‎ alone Genesis 20:11; 26:9; Numbers 24:11; Ruth 4:4; 1 Samuel 20:26; 2 Samuel 5:6; 12:22; 2 Kings 5:11; followed by clause with כִּיJudges 15:2; in particular = desire נַפְשְׁךָ מַהתּֿאֹמַר1 Samuel 20:4 compare Esther 2:13; followed by infinitive = purpose, Exodus 2:14 thinkest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian ? Joshua 22:33; 1 Samuel 30:6; 1 Kings 5:19; 2 Chronicles 28:10, 13; expect 2 Samuel 21:16 he expected to slay David2 Chronicles 13:8; 32:1.

3 Promise (followed by infinitive) 1 Chronicles 27:23; 2 Chronicles 21:7; Esther 4:7; (id. + ל‎ of person) 2 Kings 8:19; Nehemiah 9:15; (followed by accusative of direct object + ל‎ of person + infinitive of purpose) 9:23.

4 Command (especially late) followed by אֶלֿ‎ of per-son addressed, Numbers 15:38; 1 Chronicles 21:18; followed by לJoshua 11:9; 2 Samuel 16:11; 2 Kings 4:24; Job 9:7; Psalm 106:34 (see below אֲשֶׁר8e); followed by infinitive 1 Samuel 24:11; 1 Chronicles 21:17; 2Chron 1:18; 2 Chronicles 29:27, 30; 31:11; 35:21; Esther 1:17; 4:13, 15; 6:1; 9:14; followed by infinitive + ל‎ of pers, 2 Chronicles 14:3; 29:21; 31:4; Esther 1:10; followed by accusative direct object 2 Chronicles 29:24 the king commanded the burnt-offering and the sin-offering, compare 1 Kings 5:20; Esther 2:15; followed by clause with אשׁר‎ = that Nehemiah 13:19; id. + ל‎ of person 13:22; followed by clause with כִּיJob 36:10; absolute 1 Samuel 16:16 (read however probably יאמרו‎ for יאמר‎, compare Dr); also Psalm 105:31; 105:34; 107:25; 1 Chronicles 14:12; 2 Chronicles 24:8; Nehemiah 13:9, 19 (all followed by verb consecutive); command by letter ׳א עִםהַֿסֵּפֶרEsther 9:25 (followed by imperfect); appoint, assign א ׳לֶחֶם לוֺ1 Kings 11:18 = threaten followed by infinitive Deuteronomy 9:25; Psalm 106:23.

Niph`al Perfect נֶאֱמַרDaniel 8:26; Imperfect יֵאָמֵרGenesis 22:14 +; לוֺ יֵאָ֫מֶרIsaiah 4:3; יֵאָמַ֑רGenesis 10:9 +; וַיֵּאָמַ֑רJoshua 2:2; be said, told Genesis 10:9; 22:14; Psalm 87:5; Jeremiah 4:11; 16:14 (all absolute, indefinite subject, of current saying); so said in a book Numbers 21:14; be related, told, of vision Daniel 8:26; said, told to (followed by ל‎ indirect object) Joshua 2:2; Hosea 2:1 (twice in verse); Zephaniah 3:16; either so, or told concerning Numbers 23:23; Ezekiel 13:12 (אֶלֿ‎); לָכֶם יֵאָמֵר‎ = ye shall be called (it shall be said to you) Isaiah 61:6 ("" תִּקָּרְאוּ‎), compare 4:3; 19:18; 32:5 ("" ל יִקָּרֵא‎) 62:4 (twice in verse); hence be called, of Tophet הַתֹּפֶת עוֺד לֹאיֵֿאָמֵרJeremiah 7:32; subject שֵׁםGenesis 32:29; Job 34:31 הֶאָמַר אֶלאֵֿל כִּי‎, Rabb (compare AV) treat הֵאָמַר‎ as Niph`al Infinitive for לְהֵאָמֵר‎, but against grammar; the form as it stands is Qal Perfect, אֶלאֵֿל‎ being prefixed to the interrogative for emphasis (compare Jeremiah 22:15; 23:26; Nehemiah 13:27), see Dr§ 9 Di and others; Hoffm., however, reads הֵאָמֵר‎ infinitive absolute = imperative 'so must one speak (it be spoken) to God.'

Hiph`il Perfect avow, avouch Deuteronomy 26:17 ׳אֶתיֿ לֵאלֹהִים לְךָ לִהְיוֺת הַיּוֺם הֶאֱמַרְתָּ‎; 26:18 לְעַם לוֺ להיות היום הֶאֱמִירְךָ ׳וי‎ (literally cause to declare, i.e. through agency of Moses; on this & other interpretations see Di).

Hithpa`el Imperfect יִתְאַמְּרוּPsalm 94:4 subject אָ֑וֶן כָּלמֹּֿעֲלֵיact proudly, boast ("" עָתָק יְדַבְּרוּ יַבִּיעוּ‎ probably also 2 masculine plural תִּתְיַמָּ֑רוּIsaiah 61:6 (in good sense, followed by בְּ‎ of thing gloried in) ᵑ7 ᵑ9 ᵑ6‎ & compare ᵐ5‎; GesComm. so De Che Köi. 457 f. (from [ימר‎] exchange Thes Hi Kn Ew Di; but see מור ימר,‎).


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