6994. qaton
Lexical Summary
qaton: to be small or insignificant
Original Word: קָטֹן
Transliteration: qaton
Phonetic Spelling: (kaw-tone')
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to be small or insignificant
Meaning: to diminish, be, diminutive, of no account
Strong's Concordance
be a make small thing, be not worthy

A primitive root (rather denominative from qatan); to diminish, i.e. Be (causatively, make) diminutive or (figuratively) of no account -- be a (make) small (thing), be not worthy.

see HEBREW qatan


H6994. qaton

קֹ֫דֶשׁ469 noun masculine apartness, sacredness (opposed to חֹלLeviticus 10:10 4t. Ezekiel); — absolute ׳קExodus 3:5 +; קוֺדֶשׁDaniel 11:30; construct קֹדֶשׁExodus 30:36 +; suffix קָדְשִׁיLeviticus 20:3 +, etc.; plural קָֽדָשִׁיםExodus 29:37 +, הַקֳּדָשִׁים26:33 +; construct קָדְשֵׁיLeviticus 22:15 +; suffix קָֽדָשַׁיEzekiel 22:8 3t., קֳדָשֶׁיךָDeuteronomy 12:26, קֳדָשָׁיוNumbers 5:10; 2 Kings 12:19, קָֽדָשָׁיו2 Chronicles 15:18, etc.; —

1 apartness, sacredness, holiness, of God:

a. of divine activity, synonym majesty, בַּקֹּדֶשׁ‎ (of victory), Exodus 15:11 (song) Psalm 68:18; 77:14; ק ׳זְרוֺעַholy arm Isaiah 52:10; Psalm 98:1.

b. to attest his word as inviolable בק ׳נשׁבעAmos 4:2; Psalm 89:36; compare ק ׳דִּבְרֵיJeremiah 23:9, ק ׳דְּבַרPsalm 105:42.

c. of his name as sacred, inviolable, separate from all defilement, etc.: קָדְשִׁי שֵׁםLeviticus 20:3; 22:2, 32 (P), Amos 2:7; 1 Chronicles 16:10, 35; 29:16 9t. Ezekiel; 5t. Psalms; ק ׳זֵכֶרPsalm 30:5 = 97:12; and so

d. קָדְשׁוֺ רוּחַhis holy Spirit Isaiah 63:10-11, compare Psalm 51:13.

2 of places set apart as sacred by God's presence:

a. heavenly abode; ק ׳מעוןDeuteronomy 26:15; Jeremiah 25:30; Zechariah 2:17; 2 Chronicles 30:27; Psalm 68:6; ק ׳הֵיכֵלMicah 1:2; Habakkuk 2:20; Jonah 2:5; 2:8; Psalm 11:4; ק ׳מְרוֺם102:20; ק ׳זְבוּלIsaiah 63:15; ק ׳שְׁמֵיPsalm 20:7 ק ׳כסּא47:9; בְּקָדְשׁוֺ150:1.

b. on earth: ק ׳אַדְמַתExodus 3:5 (E), compare Joshua 5:15 (JE) 2 Chronicles 8:11; ק ׳הַר אלהיםEzekiel 28:14 (compare p. 249 b).

c. (only P and Chronicles) the tabernacle and its courts Exodus 40:9; Numbers 3:28 +; tabernacle by itself Exodus 38:24; Leviticus 10:4 +; court 10:17-18, + (so הקדשׁים קדשׁNumbers 18:10); the outer room (specific designation; ׳הַקּ‎) Exodus 26:33; 28:29 +; inner room Leviticus 4:6; 16:2 +, but specific designation הקדשׁים קדשׁExodus 26:33-34, 1 Chronicles 6:34; הק ׳שֶׁקֶלshekel of the sanctuary Exodus 30:13 24t. P.

d. the temple and its precincts2 Chronicles 29:7; Daniel 8:13 +; ק ׳שָׂרֵיIsaiah 43:28; 1 Chronicles 24:5; בְּקָדְשׁוֺ דכּרPsalm 60:8 = 108:8 (oracle; al. by his holiness, as בקדשׁי נשׁבעתי89:36), temple by itself 2 Chronicles 29:5; (ה)ק ׳ביתIsaiah 64:10; 1 Chronicles 29:3; קדשׁך הֵיכַלPsalm 5:8 = 138:2; 79:1; ׳הַקּ‎ outer room 1 Kings 8:10 2 Chronicles 5:11; courts of priests Ezekiel 42:14; 44:27 (twice in verse); קדשׁי חצרותIsaiah 62:9; inner room Ezekiel 41:21, 23, specifically קדשׁך דְּבִּירPsalm 28:2; הקדשׁים קדשׁ1 Kings 6:16; 7:50; 8:6; 2 Chronicles 3:8, 10; 4:22; 5:7; Ezekiel 41:4; הַקּ ׳לִשְׁכוֺת42:13; 44:19; 46:19 (see לִשְׁכָּךְ1c).

e. Jerusalem and its hills: קדשׁו מקוםEzra 9:8, הק ׳עירIsaiah 48:2; 52:1; Nehemiah 11:1, 18, ׳ע קדשׁךDaniel 9:24, (ה)ק ׳הרIsaiah 11:9 6t. Isa2; Isa3; Jeremiah 31:23; Ezekiel 20:40; Joel 2:1; Joel 4:17; Obadiah 16; Zephaniah 3:11; Zechariah 8:3; Daniel 9:16, 20; 11:45 6t. Psalms; ק ׳גְּבוּלPsalm 78:54, ק ׳הַרֲרֵי87:1 probably also 110:3, ׳ק‎ of city and suburbs in Messianic future Jeremiah 31:40; Joel 4:17. compare

f. (ה)קדשׁ‎ of Zion Obadiah 17; Psalm 20:3; 24:3; 63:3; 68:25, ׳ק קדשׁיםEzekiel 43:12; ק ׳נְוֵהExodus 15:13 of Zion (or Shiloh).

g. of holy land Zephaniah 3:4, הק ׳אדמת‎ Zechariah 2:16, קדשׁך עָרֵיIsaiah 64:9; future portion of priests ׳קEzekiel 45:1 (twice in verse)+ 11 t. Ezekiel; קדשׁים קדשׁ45:3; 48:12; of Levites קדשׁ48:14.

3 things consecrated at sacred places:

a. furniture of tabernacle קדשׁים‎ (ה‎) קדשׁExodus 30:10, 29; Numbers 4:4, 19; altar of burnt-offering Exodus 29:37; 40:10; Daniel 9:24; הק ׳ארון2 Chronicles 35:3.

b. sacrifices of animals Numbers 18:17; Ezekiel 36:38; 2 Chronicles 29:33; sacrificial food Leviticus 21:22b Numbers 5:9 +; קדשׁים‎ (ה‎) קדשׁLeviticus 2:3, 10; 6:10; 6:18; 6:22; 7:1, 6; 10:12, 17; 14:13; Numbers 18:9 (twice in verse) (all P), Ezekiel 42:13 (twice in verse); 2 Chronicles 31:14; Ezra 2:63 = Nehemiah 7:65; tithe was קדשׁLeviticus 27:30 +, also first loaves of new harvest 23:20; fruit of trees of 4th year 19:24.

c. any consecrated thing: "" vows Deuteronomy 12:26; Proverbs 20:25 +, house Leviticus 27:14, field 27:21, 23; treasures consecrated to treasury of tabernacle or temple Joshua 6:19 (E) 1 Kings 7:51 +; consecrated things in General Exodus 28:38 (P), Ezekiel 20:40; 22:8 +; these may be קדשׁ קדשׁים‎ (ה‎) 44:13, so חֵרֶםLeviticus 27:28.

d. anointing oil of priest Exodus 30:25 (twice in verse) + 5 t. (P), Psalm 89:21; incense Exodus 30:35, 37. ׳ק קדשׁים30:36; shew-bread 1 Samuel 21:5, ׳ק‎ (ה‎) קדשׁLeviticus 24:9; compare 21:22a (P); foretold of common articles, ׳ק ׳ליZechariah 14:20-21,. On ׳ק הקדשׁים‎ see also DiExodus 26:33 Leviticus 21:22 Wecompare 160 f. DrDaniel 9:24.

4 persons sacred by connection with sacred places:

a. priests Leviticus 21:6; 2 Chronicles 23:6; 31:18; Ezra 8:28, garments of priesthood Exodus 28:2, 4 7t. Exodus; Leviticus 16:4, 32; Ezekiel 42:14, specifically of high priest ק ׳כתנתLeviticus 16:4, הק ׳נֵזֶרExodus 29:6; 39:30; Leviticus 8:9; inscription on head piece ליהוה קדשׁExodus 28:36; 39:30.

b. of Israel, לי ׳קדשׁJeremiah 2:3, לקדשׁו היתהPsalm 114:2, קדשׁ‎ (ה‎) עםIsaiah 62:12; Daniel 12:7, קדשׁך עםIsaiah 63:18; קדשׁ‎ (ה‎) זֶרַע6:13; Ezra 9:2; קדשׁ אַנְשֵׁיExodus 22:30 (R), and so spoil for their use Isaiah 23:18; holy adornment ק ׳הַדְרַת1 Chronicles 16:29; 2 Chronicles 20:21; Psalm 29:2; 96:9; ק ׳הַדְרֵי110:3 (but read הַרְרֵי‎ see 2e; הָדָר

1); covt. between God and his people ק ׳בריתDaniel 11:28, 30 (twice in verse).

5 times consecrated to worship: שׁבתExodus 16:23; 31:14-15, 35:2 (P) Nehemiah 9:14; of. שׁבת‎ also ק ׳יוםIsaiah 58:13; distinguished from שׁבתNehemiah 10:32; ישׁבלLeviticus 25:12(P); assembly called at stated times for worship ׳ק‎ (י‎) מקראExodus 12:16 (twice in verse) + 17 t. Leviticus 23 Numbers 28 (all P).

6 of things and persons ceremonially cleansed, and so separated as sacred; things 1 Samuel 21:6; .flesh Jeremiah 11:15; Malachi 2:11; priests cleanse thus, 1 Chronicles 23:13, 28; להל קדשׁ‎ (ה‎) ביןEzekiel 22:26; 42:20; 44:23; הק ׳בין החל וביןLeviticus 10:10; ׳הק דֶּרֶךְIsaiah 35:8 way of the clean; ק יְדֵכֶם ׳שְׂאוּPsalm 134:2; נַאֲוָהּקּֿ ׳לְבֵיתְךָ93:5. —

Note: קֹדֶשׁ מֵרִבְבֹתDeuteronomy 33:2 is literally from myriads of sacredness, sacred myriads; but "" suggests proper name, of a location, ᵐ5‎. σὺν μυριάσιν Καδής, < קָדֵשׁ מִמְּרִבַתfrom Maribah Kadesh Di Buhl Steuern; or (מִן‎ omitted) to M. kadesh WeProl. 364; 3rd ed. 339; Hist. 344; see קָדֵשׁ‎ and DrDt. P.873 f.

[קָטֹן‎, LagBN 26.31] verb be small, insignificant (Late Hebrew Hiph`il and derivatives, Syriac ; Old Aramaic קטיןinsignificant; Arabic parum edens; Ethiopic be thin, chiefly in derivatives; probably also Assyrian ku‰‰innu, small, younger, ZehnpfBAS i.505 (otherwise XlHWB323); MeissnSuppl. †atânu, be short (of hair), compare BezZA viii, 141 f.); —

Qal Perfect1singular קָטֹנְתִּיGenesis 32:11, with מִן‎ compare, I am too insignificant for all the kindnesses; Imperfect3feminine singular בְּעֵינֶיךָ זֹאת וַתִּקְמַן2 Samuel 7:19 = 1 Chronicles 17:17.

Hiph`il literally Infinitive construct לְהַקְטִיןAmos 8:5 making ephah small.


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